This website was initially launched as a class assignment, which included a blog post. Not to brag, but my professor loved this post so much that she keeps the link as an example for future classes.
Let’s sit crooked and talk straight: I 100% procrastinated on this assignment. I spent the entire semester rewatching The Office. So when I sat down to make this website a la an epic 80s movie montage, I had nothing but Michael Scott on my mind.
A Timeline of Building This Site
Getting the assignment deliverables at the beginning of the semester:
The end of the first month of classes, when the professor asks how things are coming along:
The end of the second month, when the professor says she’s excited to see all of our hard work:
Getting a calendar reminder that the assignment is due in a week – the same week as two other major project deadlines:
Six days before it’s due and I’m realizing my WordPress skills might be a little rusty:
Four days before it’s due. The anger and denial phase is setting in:
Three days before it’s due and I’m trying to be serious, but somehow the magnitude has not set in:
Two days before it’s due. The blindfold comes off:
And the inside of my brain is just:
One day before it’s due and everything is oddly surreal:
The morning of the day the website is due. I muster every little bit of willpower left in me to finish this godforsaken website:
Hittin’ that submit button at 11:58pm:
And quickly moving past the celebration because I have another project due in less that twelve hours:
It may be tough right now, but always remember:
OMG!!!! This is Great!!!!! I want to steal this…. 😀